My encounter with Andre

Emulating the humble doorman

What did an encounter with Andre Bessette look like?

The Canadian saint spent 40 years, nearly the entire time he was a Holy Cross brother, answering the door at that religious order’s college in Montreal.

Door Man: St. André Bessette | Broken But Not Divided
St. Andre Bessette

A hundred years later, this doorman is much better known than the president, professors, or administrators at the college. Why did thousands of people a year seek out Brother Andre, rather than those others, who were more educated and prominent?

I’ll admit that I haven’t done extensive research on the answer to that question: no detailed biographies, no eyewitness interviews…

But I’ve found myself reflecting lately on what an encounter with him might have been like. As I imagine this encounter in my mind’s eye, four characteristics come to mind:

  • Presence. Andre was present to all who came to the door. He put himself in a place where he could easily be found by those looking for him – and by God. He embraced his simple responsibilities with a joy that spread to all he met.
  • Attention. The unassuming porter gave his full attention to everyone who came to the door. He didn’t multitask. He didn’t treat some better than others because of their circumstances. In each moment, he treated the person in front of him as the only person in the world – and as a child of God.
  • Humility. Even with thousands of people seeking him out, he never forgot his humble role or his complete reliance on God.
  • Prayer. Finally, he directed those who came to see him away from himself and back to God. He prayed with them, sought the intercession of St. Joseph on their behalf, and encouraged them to persevere in prayer. He embraced what the psalmist wrote: “Unless the LORD build the house, they labor in vain who build.”

In short, St. Andre treated each person he encountered as Christ present before him. Let us do the same.